Еstablishment of the RKRBCC
Establishment of the RKRBCC 27.09.2023 Official establishment of the Kosovo Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry !!!!
Establishment of the RKRBCC 27.09.2023 Official establishment of the Kosovo Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry !!!!
Meeting at the Embassy of Slovenia – 17.10.2023 17.10.2023 A fruitful and cordial meeting with H.E. Mrs. Natasha Bergel - Ambassador of Slovenia to Bulgaria. In a friendly atmosphere, we…
Official meeting with His Excellency Ambassador of Ukraine – 27.09.2023 27.09.2023 Official meeting with His Excellency Ambassador of Ukraine !!!!In an extremely friendly atmosphere, we discussed ideas and specific intentions…
Official working meeting with H.E. The Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr. Viktor Temirbaev
Presentation of the Italian Fenimprese in Bulgaria 12.09.2023 Today, 12.09.2023, the largest business association of Italy Fenimprese / 22 thousand companies / opened its representative office in Bulgaria!!!! Let's wish…
Meeting at the Cambodian Embassy 20.06.2023 A fruitful meeting with His Excellency, Mr. Tai Chun, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Cambodia with Mr. Veselin Koshev and Mr. Nikolay Kondev. We…
Bulgarian - Indonesian Chamber https://www.dnes.bg/obrazovanie/2017/08/14/bylgarski-kadri-mogat-da-se-realizirat-v-indoneziia.350285
BIGLA III – Mr. Krasimir Shalev https://www.marica.bg/biznes-zona/biznesmen-stana-pocheten-konsul-na-belarus-v-plovdivhttps://fbn.bg/bg/publikacii/sem-shalevi-i-firma-bigla-iii-ood
LogiSoft – eng. Krum Pavlov https://forbesbulgaria.com/2020/11/02/как-логисофт-си-пробива-път-в-европ/https://www.engineering-review.bg/bg/logisoft-krum-pavlov-predizvikatelstvata-ni-karat-da-se-adaptirame-i-da-postigame-poveche/2/4717/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye7OttCCshM
CONTRACT CITY - eng. Asen Chavdarov https://contract-city.com/bg/blog/interviu_bloombergtvasenhttps://safenews.bg/inzh-asen-chavdarov-pred-safenews-zhiveem-li-v-sigurni-sgradi-i-ima-li-kontrol/https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=165494595089710