Meeting at the South African Embassy
Meeting at the South African Embassy 30.10.2024 An extremely friendly meeting with His Excellency Mrs. Renske FOS, Ambassador of South Africa to Bulgaria!
Meeting at the South African Embassy 30.10.2024 An extremely friendly meeting with His Excellency Mrs. Renske FOS, Ambassador of South Africa to Bulgaria!
Official announcement 10.09.2024 A few days ago, the talks with the colleagues and management of MIG BUILDIN INVEST and its owner Mr. Veselin Manchikov were successfully completedI am pleased to…
Meeting at the Cuban Embassy 25.04.2024 A wonderful and fruitful meeting with H.E. Mrs. Caridad Yamira Cueto MILIAN, Ambassador of Cuba and Mr. Disnael Martinez RIVERA, Consul. We discussed ideas…
Meeting at the Embassy of Azerbaijan 25.04.2024 Official working meeting with Mr. Ulfat MACHANOV, Embassy of Azerbaijan.... In an extremely friendly atmosphere we discuss ideas and specific intentions to expand…
Meeting at the Embassy of Albania Official meeting with H.E. Ms. Donika HODZA, Ambassador of Albania!!!! Exchange of fruitful opinions and ideas for cooperation !!! We briefed the embassy team…
Meeting at the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates Official meeting with His Excellency Mr. HAMAD AL ALADI, Acting Ambassador of the UAE to Bulgaria…. We discuss ideas and concrete…
Official visit to the city of Tryavna 26.01.2024 Mr. Veselin Koshev, part of the management of BIBA, Ms. Alexandra and Tanya Nikolovi, Ms. Zlatka Ivanova, Mr. Manol Manolov - member…
Bulgarian-Algerian evening of friendship 24.01.2024 A wonderful celebration under the auspices of H.E. Mr. Messaoud Mehila - Ambassador of Algeria and the Bulgarian-Algerian Friendship Society. On behalf of our structures,…
Signing of agreements with Albanian economic structures 18.01.2024 Official signing of long-term agreements with Albanian economic structures: "Botimpex and "Al Mastori"!!! May God protect us !!!