We, the business organizations that have joined this Memorandum,
– believe that the current dynamic times require more active regional cooperation between economic subjects from Bulgaria, the Euro-Asia region and the countries of the world. We recognize that the countries of this region and the world should trade and invest more with each other, thus becoming less dependent on the serious turmoil on world markets,
– aim to establish a partner network of business organization from the Eurasian region and the world in order to build more effective cooperation, encourage new investment and commercial initiatives and ensure greater economic growth in the countries of the region, in connection with which we agreed on the following:
1. The European Association for Business, Culture and Friendship for Economic Cooperation (EABCFEC) is hereby established which shall not be limited by its term of existing.
2. The Community shall promote and support the activities of its member economic organizations in order to extend the trade and economic relations between the countries of the Euro-Asiatic region, the world and Bulgaria, such as:
– promote the establishment of cooperation between economic actors in the represented countries and the development of the links between them;
– foster cooperation between Community members by extending the amount of information they have at all times by constantly exchanging data, references, analyzes, etc., including through the creation of an EIABD website;
– offers facilities and facilitates the visit of businessmen from one Member State to another and more rational use of business trips to achieve the above objectives.
3. Community members shall support each other and support their business organizations, as far as possible, providing or organizing, including but not limited to:
– business consulting: providing business information; Economic profile of economic operators; Servicing members in the course of doing business; Planning, development and management of staff; Patents, trademarks and protection of industrial property; Application and requirements of trade and customs regimes; Valuation of assets and entire enterprises;
– legal advice: registration of companies; elaborating commercial and specific contracts; disputes over breach of contract;
– consultations on investment projects: preparation of project proposals for funding; Development of business plans and projects; Preparation of tender and tender documents; Providing information on financial and insurance matters;
– consultancy on marketing research: domestic and international market; Development of analyzes and development strategies; Information on the state of a particular sector, industry or region, commodity markets and prices;
– tax consultations;
– offices and representation of EABCFEC members abroad.
3. Community members may be economic organizations (trade companies, interest groups, holdings, etc.) registered under the national laws of countries in Europe, Asia and the world.
4. Admission to the EABCFEC shall take place following a written request to accede to this Memorandum, addressed to the Community Coordinator. He informed by e-mail its members for the request. If no written objection is raised by a member of EABCFEC within seven days of the sending of the notification letter, the Coordinator shall issue a membership certificate to the acceding organization.
5. Membership shall be terminated by a written request addressed to the Community Coordinator from the moment of its receipt.
6. The Community shall select Assistant Coordinators for each country represented in the EABCFEC.
7. The seat of the community is located in Sofia, 99, Nishava Street, office 1, Republic of Bulgaria. Additional address: Gr. Sofia, 7, Gerganitsa Str., Ap. 14, tel. +359888708366
8. The working languages of EABCFEC are Bulgarian, Russian and English.
9. The texts of this Memorandum may be amended, supplemented or revoked if two-thirds of Community members support such changes.