We will work on a new project to implement the national foreign policy interests of Bulgaria – through full integration into the European Union, along with the development of a mutually beneficial basis for relations with our traditional partners and other countries from the Organization of Independent States, Arab and African countries, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Iran, China, the countries of Latin America and all other countries that treat Bulgaria with respect and wish the well-being of both their and Bulgarian citizens. The Direct Democracy European Movement will work together with similar movements around the world. It will look for like-minded people among various political formations and non-partisan structures, intellectuals, spiritual leaders, women’s and youth organizations.
Bulgaria today has the historic chance to become not a field of collision between different civilizations, but a bridge between the West and the East with their economic opportunities and cultural traditions… There are a number of reasons to expect the gradual creation of a new geopolitical and economic space. The development of the processes in this direction would put Bulgaria in a balanced position in the implementation of the exchange not only of views and ideas, but also of people, goods and capital.
The Direct Democracy European Movement declares itself against the ideology and practice of military-political globalism, which condemns small states to play the role of satellites and instruments in the hands of the global and regional politics of the “great powers”.
The Direct Democracy European Movement does not accept the thesis that future conflicts in the world will be on a cultural and religious basis. It will send spiritual impulses to countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and Latin America, seek rapprochement and interaction between different civilizations, explore and discover the positive in the points of contact between Christianity and other world religions, opposing the aggressive tendencies in them.
Religious prejudices can be one of the serious obstacles to understanding other cultures. Therefore, a deeper understanding of fundamental religions and ways of their interaction must be sought. It is known that the need for reconciliation has long been talked about. This process is incredibly complex. Religions can find commonalities in, for example, that all three major religions honor Abraham as their ancestor. Abraham means Father of Nations. He is not a Jew, he is not a Christian, he is not a Muslim, he is simply a man dedicated to God.
In order to prevent conflicts, it is necessary to move towards the construction of an integrating identity, the core of which consists of a common set of values that bind us regardless of differences, and to which the eyes of millions of people of different religions are turned.
However, the conflict between cultures is primarily a conflict of different interests, worldviews and value systems. It is known that different civilizations have different priorities regarding citizens and the state, rights and obligations, responsibilities, and freedom. Differences in priorities also determine the fundamental difference in terms of the cost of human life. This price is different in different countries, but it could be transformed into a spirit of understanding and tolerance.
The source of the crisis at the end of the first decade of the 21st century, for example, is the broken harmony between man’s way and ability to create material and spiritual goods and man’s way and ability to distribute and use these goods on a global scale and on the scale of his/her country reasonable, fair and constructive way. Before us there are two worlds on the same planet – one fast and one slow, moving in non-intersecting orbits and in opposite directions. One is still struggling to cope with hunger, the other – spanning North America and parts of Europe and Asia – is entering cyberspace. The gap is not only between wealth and technology on the one hand and poverty on the other, but also in the way of thinking. This is the great problem for the future of humanity.
The realization of mutually beneficial economic relations at the beginning of the 21st century is of great importance both for interpersonal relations between people from different countries and for mutual understanding between countries.
The Direct Democracy European Movement will work for the development and implementation of projects in the field of the real economy, based on the common interests of specific countries from Europe, Asia, Africa and America, Bulgarian industrial and commercial companies, will assist in the implementation of investment projects of countries from these regions in other European countries.
The Direct Democracy European Movement will work in close cooperation with the various foreign ethnic communities in Bulgaria, will assist in their integration into Bulgarian society, for their adequate representation in the public space. Their image in the Bulgarian media is now one-sided and mostly in a negative direction. The movement will oppose all forms of discrimination on religious and ethnic grounds. Will work in close cooperation with the various foreign ethnic communities in Bulgaria, will assist in their integration into Bulgarian society, for their adequate representation in the public space. Their image in the Bulgarian media is now one-sided and mostly in a negative direction. The movement will oppose all forms of discrimination on religious and ethnic grounds.
The Direct Democracy European Movement will attract proven actors from the field of Bulgarian and foreign culture, journalists, political scientists sympathetic to the idea of dialogue between civilizations. It will maintain contacts with similar structures abroad. The movement will send spiritual messages for understanding and cooperation, for dialogue based on common human values and mutual enrichment of cultures in the modern world.
The future is open and unpredictable. It contains many threats, but also many hopeful possibilities.
The way out depends on each of us.
Because the future of humanity is connected with dialogue and cooperation between different civilizations, with a transition from the “culture of war” to the “culture of peace”.
Because what unites us is much more than what divides us.
This is the way to build a better and more just world, in which true Liberty, Equality and Fraternity for people, Peace and Understanding between peoples will reign.